They Unveiled a Plaque on Medhurst Road in 1931…And It’s Still There
Posted: March 17th, 2010 | No Comments »This plaque stands rather nicely recently cleaned up on the eastern side of 230/232 Taixing Road (formerly Medhurst Road) close to the junction with Nanjing West Road (Bubbling Well Road). Not sure exactly what the building was except that it was something to do with the Shanghai Telephone Company, that ran the networks in the International Settlement,though whether it was an exchange, offices or what I’m not sure. As the plaque indicates it was designed by the prominent Shanghai based architects of Atkinson and Dallas.
Quite an A-list turn out for the plaque’s unveiling back on 24th January 1931 (that must have been a cold gathering!) – MacNaghten of the Municipal Council and the long serving American lawyer that was the effective head of the SMC, Stirling Fessenden too. Nice to see the plaque still there, nice and clean and being generally ignored and left alone by everyone walking past. Long may it remain.
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