All things old China - books, anecdotes, stories, podcasts, factoids & ramblings from the author Paul French

North Korean Propaganda Posters – Peking Exhibition

Posted: May 14th, 2010 | No Comments »

The folk from the Koryo Studios in Peking are exhibiting and selling some fine propaganda posters from the DPRK this month and nobody does propaganda posters these days like Pyongyang anymore.

Koryo Studio presents an exhibition of their most popular works – propaganda posters, extolling the socialist revolution and exhorting the people to work harder for the glory of the nation. Hand-painted original posters in gouache and acrylic are selling from 1,200-3,000RMB per piece; in addition, we have a selection of anti-US propaganda posters, also for sale.

No 27 Bei San Li Tun Nan

(East Courtyard, next to Ya Show Market), Chaoyang District, 100027, Beijing

Opening, 7pm, Wednesday May 12th

Exhibition runs through June 30th 2010.

nk exhib

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