All things old China - books, anecdotes, stories, podcasts, factoids & ramblings from the author Paul French

Yunnan Railway Remembered on its 100th Birthday

Posted: November 8th, 2010 | No Comments »

I wrote about the Yunnan Railway that the French operated between Kunming and French Indo-China when I edited Carl Crow’s war diaries The Long Road Back to China. After four months traversing the Burma Road from Rangoon to China and then some time in the heavily bombed capital of Chungking Crow left via the Yunnan Railway for Hanoi, Saigon and an Air France plane to London in 1940. The railway is celebrating its centenary this year – 1910/2010.

I note that the Souvenir France Asie has a special report on that railway with some great images too – here in French and here through Google Translate in (a sort of) English. A pic of the Kunming Station below – which I was told, but have never verified, still exists but is now surrounded by new buildings. Apparently it’s a cafe these days.

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