All things old China - books, anecdotes, stories, podcasts, factoids & ramblings from the author Paul French

Xinhai 100 – Taipei’s Dr. Sun Yat Sen Memorial House and Gardens

Posted: February 7th, 2011 | No Comments »

A few posts over the year naturally on the centenary of the republic revolution of 1911 – Xinhai.

Taipei’s Dr. Sun Yat Sen Memorial House and gardens seemed a possibly interesting place to visit on a New Year weekend in this year of the centenary celebrations of the found of the Chinese Republic, Xinhai. Though ultimately not, as the house was shut fr the holidays. Actually of all the SYS venues I’ve visited in Taiwan, the excellent SYS heritage trail in Hong Kong and the mausoleum in Nanking this is perhaps the worst location…or maybe not.

The house and gardens sit slightly uncomfortably between Taipei’s impressive (though rather ugly) main railway station and the city’s ugly bus terminal (show me a city with a pretty bus terminal I admit). The whole small complex, including the little Japanese style SYS Memorial House, is overlooked by one of Taipei’s numerous overhead expressways.

But let’s look on the bright side. Dr. Sun was, of course, a massive fan and advocate of the railways and efficient public transportation. He did draw up elaborate plans for the development of China’s rail network, some of which a only coming to fruition now with the build out of high speed rail. So perhaps the good Dr’s. Spirit rather enjoys being in such close proximity to the hub of the RoC’s rail network and I expect he’d have really liked the THSR high speed train to Kaohsiung. Perhaps if his ghost is anywhere, it’s wandering the concourses of the railway station?

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