All things old China - books, anecdotes, stories, podcasts, factoids & ramblings from the author Paul French

A Few Posts on Singapore – The Capitol Theatre

Posted: April 22nd, 2011 | No Comments »

Talking of Singapore buildings (i.e. Keppel Road Station) who’s future is somewhat vague it’s worth highlighting the lovely Capitol Theatre which seems to be in a semi-permanent closed up state. I noticed that the once impressive sign on the front has been partially dismantled now (see before and now pictures below). The Capitol is a classic 1933 entertainment building of the sort once common in the UK and the colonies but increasingly now disappearing – many old theatres/music halls and cinemas in England have gone or are going and elsewhere too (interestingly Shanghai’s Cathay cinema on Huaihai Road remains as a good example in a city not known for preserving anything). The neo-classical Capitol was one of Singapore’s biggest theatres. The structure suffered some damage – but that’s OK in this case as it was a bomb by the anti-Japanese resistance during the war aimed at killing Japanese soldiers. It was restored and modernised (better air-con etc) as the Shaw Building after the war.

The Capitol a few years ago

The Capitol in early April 2011 – as you can see the sign has been played about with and the backing gone

The Capitol is listed for preservation but remains empty at the moment and you can see the closed up entrance above – here’s a few pics of the building that show it is in good condition and the nicely designed external stairways:

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