All things old China - books, anecdotes, stories, podcasts, factoids & ramblings from the author Paul French

Help Wanted: A Range Road Mystery Structure

Posted: April 25th, 2011 | 1 Comment »

Following my last post on Range Road and the Settlement-Paoshan border I wonder if anyone knows what this building was formerly? It is on the southern side of Wujin Road (Range Road), close to the junction with Wusong Road (Woosung Road) and is most intriguing.

As you can see from the pictures below it is not a residential property but I’m not sure it was a theatre/cinema either. The window frames are gothic but not elaborate enough to be a church while the red brick is classic Settlement architecture a la GG Scott and any number of British inspired churches, railway stations or schools. I’m stumped…anyone with a deeper knowledge of Range Road please share….

One Comment on “Help Wanted: A Range Road Mystery Structure”

  1. 1 Sue Anne said at 7:18 pm on June 25th, 2011:

    Paul, I walked by it today, and did a bit of sleuthing. It was tough at first because the address closest to it was 193 Wujin Lu, but it actually encompasses 181 and even 171 – so a bit trickier locating it exactly online.

    It is the Former Seventh-Day Adventist Church 沪北会堂. Wikipedia says it was built 1924, possibly the first church to be built by Seventh-Day Adventists in Shanghai? Do you know much about this?


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