Xinhai – Dr Sun in Tiananmen Square
Posted: April 30th, 2011 | No Comments »I posted a while back about how travelling around China so far this year I hadn’t seen any Xinhai centenary related events, campaigns, exhibitions, posters etc. This obviously contrasted to the high profile of the anniversary in Taiwan, the Republic. I speculated that perhaps the historical-ideological powers that be weren’t quite sure how to handle the anniversary given that Xinhai did involve a bit of harmony disrupting which isn’t quite flavour of the month these days with the bosses in Beijing.
However, Sun Yat-sen pictures have appeared, so Shanghaiist informs me, in Tiananmen Square in time for the annual May holidays in the PRC.Only red flags in evidence as you can see and I haven’t actually been there to see if there’s any interesting text about but here’s the good Doctor all the same.
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