All things old China - books, anecdotes, stories, podcasts, factoids & ramblings from the author Paul French

Xinhai 100 – Sun Yat Sen – The Opera

Posted: September 27th, 2011 | No Comments »

I haven’t posted on the various Xinhai events going around Chinese Asia (but not noticeably much of anything in the PRC). I was hoping that as October and the anniversary of the Double Ten got closer the PRC history protectors might find a way to acknowledge their lineage from 1911. But the problem is that in today’s (like it or not) ‘harmonised’ China the very idea that positive change can come through upheaval is an anathema and therefore not to be countenanced.

Still, such nonsense doesn’t concern (or shouldn’t) the people of Hong Kong and Taiwan. But now there is an opera on the life of SYS – that will, apparently, premiere in Beijing and then move on to Hong Kong. Slight problem here for China Rhyming – very busy at moment and know nothing about opera…so here’s a link to a long piece from CNN Go Hong Kong.

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