All things old China - books, anecdotes, stories, podcasts, factoids & ramblings from the author Paul French

Hong Kong’s Béthanie and Nazareth French Missions Uncovered

Posted: October 17th, 2011 | 1 Comment »

A new book on the little known Béthanie and Nazareth French Mission foundations in Hong Kong is now out in English, French or Chinese -Alain Le Pichon’s Béthanie and Nazareth: French Secrets from a British Colony. A favourite of mine is the Béthanie, in Pokfulam, was built in 1875 as the Colony’s first sanatorium  and still exists in a good state of repair and in use today (see below); the chapel is particularly impressive. The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts now use the building – marvellously they also still use the restored dormer cow sheds adjacent to the building too!

The Béthanie

The Béthanie’s chapel

The former cow sheds of the Béthanie

One Comment on “Hong Kong’s Béthanie and Nazareth French Missions Uncovered”

  1. 1 cintia said at 2:14 pm on October 27th, 2011:

    This book is not that new. I saw it in a flea market in Pudong some years ago selling for 30 kuai, but it look old and worn so I didn’t get it. I regretted about my stupid decision!

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