The Indignity of Book Sales Charts – Beaten by Eat Pray Love – Twice!!!
Posted: October 18th, 2011 | 3 Comments »I noted the other day the indignity of being beaten out of the top spot in Hong Kong by a book that is popular largely due to a film where the insipid Anne Hathaway (the pin up girl for middle class boys who’ve never done drugs and always did their homework) mangles an English accent. But it gets worse – beaten into fifth place in the Beijing branch of Page One bookstore by the horrendous, puke inducing, self indulgent pile of hyena kak that is Eat Pray Love!!! And not just once – twice – by the original and tie-in to the film with Julia Roberts!! and then come crap about commitment and a Rom-Com tie in thing!! If this is what ex-pats in Beijing are really buying before they buy my book then God Help the Good Ship SS Laowai Peking and all who have to sail in her!!
Yours is not the gnashing of teeth and rending of garments but the full-on attack of the ankle-biting terrier.
Love the invective, though; you do have a way with words and aren’t shy about using it to righteous purpose. I do promise to read your book.
Ah, er… any chance of a discount?
Perhaps if you wrote something more substantial you might score higher on the bestseller charts. Have you considered covering Beavis and Butthead’s Adventures in Beijing, or something else that might better resonate with current tastes?
None whatsoever – it’s well worth the full entry price