Midnight Reviewed at Length in Hong Kong Economic Journal & Prologue Books
Posted: November 14th, 2011 | No Comments »I must throw in a link to this review of Midnight in Peking that appeared in the Hong Kong Economic Journal by Shiona Airlie. It’s longer than normal and very in-depth and obviously meets with my full approval.
So, apologies for the shameless self-promotion, but it’s a good review!!
And while I’m being self-indulgent can I just give a plug to Prologue books in Singapore. I’m down in Singapore promoting Midnight in Peking and was slightly worried that bookshops might be a bit thin on the ground what with Borders folding recently. But my publicist here recommended Prologue books on Orchard Road and it is a delightful bookshop with a great range (Midnight prominently displayed, which admittedly makes me a bit partial), good staff, a cafe and a stationery section. Borders is gone but bookshops live on and Prologue’s an example of a rebirth.
2 Orchard Turn 238801
Nearby Stations: Orchard
Telephone 6465 1477
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