All things old China - books, anecdotes, stories, podcasts, factoids & ramblings from the author Paul French

The Commissioner’s House, Foochow

Posted: September 3rd, 2012 | 3 Comments »

I believe this is the old Commissioner’s House in Foochow (Fuzhou) taken some time towards the end of the nineteenth century or early years of the twentieth. That is to say the Commissioner of the Chinese, but foreign-run, Maritime Customs Service. I don’t know for sure as I do not know Fuzhou at all but I assume this building is long gone.

3 Comments on “The Commissioner’s House, Foochow”

  1. 1 Jonathan Lin said at 11:21 pm on October 15th, 2012:

    This pic should be taken during 1860-1895. Two historic buildings of former Foochow customs are still standing in Nantai island (which was the major port of Foochow after the second optium war). But this building was demolished and it’s strange that I can’t find it in any of our old photo collections. I would like to ask if you can tell us the source of the photo. :-) I established a website to collect the historic photos of Foochow.

  2. 2 Paul French said at 7:15 am on October 16th, 2012:

    The Visualising China site run by Uni of Bristol –

  3. 3 Richard B said at 11:05 pm on December 27th, 2012:

    Jonathan, is there an English translation for your website?
    Do you kow what Livingston Terrace on Nantai Is. would be called today?

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