All things old China - books, anecdotes, stories, podcasts, factoids & ramblings from the author Paul French

Lunch with Paul French, Author of Midnight in Peking – Thursday 18/10 11am – Holiday Inn, Kangqiao

Posted: September 27th, 2012 | No Comments »

Details of an event organised for next month occurring in Pudong should you happen to be interested and in Shanghai…

Lunch with Paul French, Author of Midnight in Peking

Thursday 18/10 11am – Holiday Inn, Kangqiao

Join us for an entertaining and illuminating lunch with the British author, Paul French, who will give a fascinating insight to Old Peking, and the how he discovered the unsolved murder of a beautiful young girl, and set about following the trail to ultimately solving the mystery of who killed Pamela.

11am prompt welcome drink Pauls talk, booking signing and a delicious lunch of

Smoked Salmon Salad

Chicken Breast in Cream Sauce

Chocolate Mousse cake

Tea/ Coffee

Tickets 250rmb per person

There will Cash bar for those wishing to enjoy a glass of wine, or juice etc

And Raffle in aid of Rongshui Orphanage project.

A BISS PFA sponsored Charity

Email to book your place. Please put Paul French in the subject line. You will be then contacted to arrange payment, and directions.

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