ChinaRhyming, meet Edgar – Edgar, meet Chinarhyming
Posted: May 8th, 2013 | 3 Comments »Of course it goes without saying that it was a great honour to receive the Mystery Writers of America’s Edgar award for best Fact Crime book of 2013 in New York last week for Midnight in Peking. The awards are named after Edgar Allan Poe fittingly. Truly amazing to win an award alongside Dennis Lehane, of whom I’ve been a fan for many years, and the writers of the BBC’s Sherlock. Other winners included Chris Pavone’s The Expats (which I liked) and Ben H Winter’s The Last Policeman (which I’m half way through and enjoying). so please excuse me showing off a bit with some photos from the awards ceremony at the Grand Hyatt in Manhattan but these things probably only come along once in a lifetime…
have a little smooch….
and a big video screen Edgar…
and most importantly my wonderful US editor Emily Murdock-Baker (right) and sensational US publicist Rebecca Lang (left) meet Edgar
Congratulations!! Just fantastic news! Looking forward to your next award winning book!
Congratulations! You deserved it and – bang! – you got it! Enjoy…
Paul – Well done, many congratulations! Now Edgar needs a chum. Oscar perhaps….?