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Japanese Modernist Painters in Seattle, 1910-1970 – 25/4/24 – Daiwa Foundation, London

Posted: April 23rd, 2024 | No Comments »

Japanese Modernist Painters in Seattle, 1910-1970

Thursday 25 April 2024 6:00pm – 7:00pm
Daiwa Foundation Japan House – 13/14 Cornwall Terrace (Outer Circle) – London NW1 4QP
Paul Horiuchi, George Tsutakawa, Zoe Dusanne, John Matsudaira, and Kenjiro Nomura at the Zoe Dusanne Gallery, Seattle, 1952.  Photo: Elmer Ogawa

In this talk, David F. Martin will discuss the art of Japanese-American painters active in Seattle, Washington in the early to mid- 20th century. Beginning with the first generation Issei to the next generation of Nisei, several of these artists achieved national and international reputations during their lives. However, their careers and personal lives suffered from being interned in incarceration camps on the American west coast during WWII. Martin will feature a wide range of styles practised by these artists from impressionism to modernism and abstraction. He will present rare images of paintings completed by some of the artists during their incarceration.

David F. Martin is American curator and writer specializing in the art history of Seattle and the Pacific Northwest associated with Cascadia Art Museum in Edmonds, Washington, USA. For over thirty years, his career has focused on women, Japanese and Chinese Americans, gay & lesbian and other American minorities who had established national and international reputations during the period 1890-1960.

More details and booking here

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