All things old China - books, anecdotes, stories, podcasts, factoids & ramblings from the author Paul French

Hong Kong Shifts: Stories from the Streets of Hong Kong

Posted: July 18th, 2024 | No Comments »

Out now from Blacksmith Books, Hong Kong Shifts: Stories from the Streets of Hong Kong, with words by Cynthia Cheng and photographs by Maxime Vanhollebeke…

From sampan ladies and bamboo scaffolders to street cleaners, fishermen, security guards and market vendors – these workers form the backbone of the fast-paced metropolis of Hong Kong, yet they are often overlooked or taken for granted. Looking beyond the glamorous harbourfront, neon-lit shopping districts and dramatic skyline, Hong Kong Shifts explores the back alleys to meet and learn from the individuals who work tirelessly to keep the city ticking. These are stories and portraits of resilience, wisdom, positivity and strength from the streets of Hong Kong.

Hong Kong Shifts is a social impact storytelling platform with a mission to promote kindness, empathy and connection in our living and working environments. At the core of our project is the belief that storytelling is a powerful tool to engage, move and inspire – and, ultimately, to build bridges between diverse communities in the city that we call home.

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