All things old China - books, anecdotes, stories, podcasts, factoids & ramblings from the author Paul French

Under Our Shelter – Hong Kong and its Refugee Communities – 19-22 October, Hong Kong

Posted: October 19th, 2017 | No Comments »

This exhibition deals with the many refugee communities that have passed through or settled in Hong Kong including mainland refugees, Vietnamese boat people and goes back to the city’s oft-neglected White Russian and Jewish emigre communities too…

Under Our Shelter: A Photographic Exhibition

Hong Kong Centre for Refugees

The exhibition explores the city that was, and continues to be, a haven for people forced to seek refuge in Hong Kong, escaping war and persecution in their home countries. The Under our Shelter exhibition features:

— archival photographs dating from the 1950s – this will be the first time that these images will be displayed in public;
— Images for the exhibition have been sourced from the extensive photographic archives of Christian Action, who has been providing assistance to refugees arriving in Hong Kong since the 1950s, with others donated by a private collector.
— Beyond the archives, the exhibition will also feature contributions by some of Centre for Refugees clients who have found refuge in Hong Kong, as well as images by photographer Alexander Treves, whose widely published work has documented the plight of displaced people around the world.

Under our Shelter is the story of those who were forced to Hong Kong to seek sanctuary. It’s not an easy story to tell, but one that needs to be told.

Not just a reflection of our city’s past, Under our Shelter aims to empower people forced to seek refuge in Hong Kong with the knowledge that they can do so with dignity and live in hope for the future, under our shelter or that of someone else.

From Thursday 19th October to Sunday 22nd October, the exhibition is at Loft 22 at 22/F California Tower, 32 D’Aguilar Street Lan Kwai Fong, Central.


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