The Imperial Hotel – Tientsin
Posted: February 12th, 2010 | 1 Comment »Today an ad for another Tientsin hotel – this time the Imperial. Apologies but I’m not sure if it’s still standing, will check next time I’m in Tientsin. This ad, like yesterday’s, also from 1924. Nice to have steam in the cold north. The manager, Mildner, was formerly with the Kalee Hotel in Shanghai – which was on Nanking Road but is sadly long gone.
Going through very old papers, purchased as a box lot at auction a few years ago, I found something that may interest you. It’s some type of round (approx 5″ diameter) heavy paper sticker from The Imperial Hotel LTD. Tientsin. It seems to have had some type of adhesive on the back side at one time. I think it was some type of luggage sticker perhaps? I have a very similar one from Astor House Hotel Pei??? (last letters are obliterated) showing 2 horses rearing back on hind legs and oriental writing. If you would like to see a picture, shoot me an email. I’ll return it to you as a jpeg attachment. Also, so I can easily locate it, tell me to look in my eBay 2011 folder. :) Take care. Dan in Indianapolis, Indiana.