All things old China - books, anecdotes, stories, podcasts, factoids & ramblings from the author Paul French

Midnight in Peking Comes to Suzhou – October 16th

Posted: October 13th, 2011 | 1 Comment »

The Midnight in Peking juggernaut (OK, maybe just a large lorry with slightly flat tyres) rolls into Soochow (or Suzhou as some now like to call it) on Sunday October 16th where I’ll be talking about the book, Pamela Werner and how tosolve 75 year old murders to the good folk of the Royal Asiatic Society’s Suzhou branch at the lovely Suzhou Bookworm.

Sunday, October 16, 2011 at 4pm

A hideous murder in Peking. A lovely British expat found dead. An unsolved mystery for more than seventy years. Paul French visits the Royal Asiatic Society of Suzhou to talk about his new novel, “Midnight in Peking”. French pieces together the evidence from this real-life conundrum to write historical fiction that China author Jonathan Fenby says, “Keeps the reader enthralled to the end.” Sunday, October 16, 2011, 4pm.  The Suzhou Bookworm, Gunxiu Fang 77, Shi Quan Jie. 30rmb for students; 50 rmb for members; 70 rmb for non-members. Includes one glass of wine or beer. For more information, contact Bill Dodson at 135 0613 6662.

Inside the Suzhou Bookworm

One Comment on “Midnight in Peking Comes to Suzhou – October 16th”

  1. 1 Steven Crook said at 8:20 am on October 13th, 2011:

    Dear Mr French,

    I would like your permission to use a photo from your blogspot site, of the French Cemetery in Keelung, for my upcoming travel app on Taiwan’s cultural attractions, published by Guidegecko.

    I can show you the relevant page.

    Best wishes,

    Steven Crook

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