The Warlord and the Engineer Goes to Suzhou
Posted: November 2nd, 2011 | No Comments »RAS Suzhou is also hosting Simon Gjore in Suzhou…the afternoo0n after Shanghai….
Sunday, November 6, 2011, 3pm
Come to the Royal Asiatic Society for an afternoon of fascinating tales from the roaring 1920s, when warlords shifted sides and assassinated each other as often as they changed concubines, and when the majority of expats in Northeast China lived in the lap of luxury. Take a unique peek into the life and times Zhang Zuolin, one of the mightiest warlords in China during the chaotic 1920s, as chronicled and photographed by the Danish arms dealer and adviser to Zhang, Robert Christensen. Simon Rom Gjeroe from Beijing Postcards is currently writing a book and preparing a documentary film on the subject, with a working title of “The Warlord and the Engineerâ€, for which he has done extensive research in both Denmark and China.
The Suzhou Bookworm, Gunxiu Fang 77, Shi Quan Jie. 30rmb for students; 50 rmb for members; 70 rmb for non-members. Includes one glass of wine or beer. For more information, contact Bill Dodson at
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